a few important notes

  When dining at Mien:

  • For the best experience, we kindly suggest choosing a shared menu style, either the Tasting Vạn Hoa menu or à la carte.
  • We are unable to accommodate vegetarian, vegan or other special dietary menus.
  • Please inform us of any food allergies at least 48 hours in advance. We will contact you to discuss alternative menu options before confirming your reservation.
  • A small greeting cake will be prepared for your birthday or anniversary. Please notify us 24 hours in advance.
  • Kindly refrain from bringing outside food or beverages.

  For children:

  • Miên’s menu is suitable for children aged 12 and above.

  Corkage fee:

  • Wine: 750,000 VND per 750ml bottle.  
  • Spirits or magnum: 1,500,000 VND per bottle.


opening hour

Opening hour
  • Tue - Sun
  • 18:00 - 23:00

Last order
  • Vạn Hoa Tasting menu: 20:45
  • À la carte: 21:45

50A Dang Dung , Tan Đinh, D.1
 (+84) 768 060 060
Tue - Sun | 6PM - 11PM